Monday, August 3, 2009

"stop thinking about it!" Shut up!!

Why do people keep saying this to me?? Oh, I see, so if I stop thinking about getting pregnant, It will happen? Let me call my dr. so he can cancel the iui's, injections, sono's and endless blood tests. I'll explain to him that it's gonna happen when I relax and stop thinking about it! Yeah, that makes perfect sense. Let's see, if I stop thinking about winning the lotto will that happen too?

Sorry, I know some people just don't know what to say...but after 2+ years of trying, and many invavsive, uncomfortable, and downright embarrassing procedures...thinking or not thinking about it won't change anything physically. Don't get me wrong, I know the mind can be pretty powerful, maybe more than we know, but I don't think it can overpower clomid, gonal f, ovidrel, etc. It's gotta be something physical people.

What was life like before IF?

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